Podman is a tool for building containers. It plays the same role as Docker and is largely compatible with Docker, offering mostly the same commands. This article offers resources both for developers getting started with Podman and for those seeking more advanced information.

What is Podman?

We've found the following videos and articles to be great starting points.

  • In Podman: The next generation of Linux container tools, Doug Tidwell explains what Podman is and how to install the tool, build an image with it, run the image, push the image to a container registry, download the image to a non-Linux system, and run the image with Docker.
  • Transitioning from Docker to Podman, one of the most popular Red Hat Developer articles about containers, uses real-world examples to show you how to install Podman, use its basic commands, and transition from the Docker command-line interface (CLI) to Podman. You'll also see how to run an existing image with Podman and how to set up port forwarding.
  • In Rootless containers with Podman: The basics, Prakhar Sethi explains the benefits of using containers and Podman. The article introduces rootless containers and explains why they are important, and then walks through an example scenario to show you how to use rootless containers with Podman.
  • To get some practice, see Deploying Containers with Container Tools, a short (only 10 minutes) course that will teach you how to deploy and control an already defined container image.
  • If you're interested in a better way to build images and host containers locally, read Ian Lawson's introduction to Podman Desktop for developers.

Many ways to work with Podman

Podman wears many hats. Here are some resources for using it in various environments:

More Podman resources

There's a lot more help online for using Podman. A few resources are covered in the following subsections.


Red Hat articles

Red Hat Developer topic pages


We want to hear from you about features you love in Podman and features you would like to see added. So please leave a comment on this article or reach out to us through our usual communication channels.

Last updated: June 7, 2023
