Developing microservices on Kubernetes

Microservices and microservice architecture is the modern approach to building cloud applications as independent services using Kubernetes.

One of the greatest challenges of moving from traditional monolithic application design to a microservices architecture is being able to monitor your business transaction flow—the flow of events via micro service calls throughout your entire system.

What are Microservices?

Microservices are an architecture for breaking up a monolithic application into a collection of smaller pieces. Each of those pieces provides a particular function via a well-defined and carefully managed API. The collection delivers the same overall business value as the original monolithic application, but the independence of the individual pieces means they can be updated much more quickly without impacting the overall collection. (This requires, of course, that any changes to the API are done in a backwards-compatible way.)

Kubernetes Native Microservices with Quarkus and MicroProfile e-book cover

Kubernetes Native Microservices with Quarkus and MicroProfile

Kubernetes Native Microservices: With Quarkus and MicroProfile provides an essential understanding of what it takes to develop cloud-native applications using modern tools such as microservices that utilize and integrate with Kubernetes features naturally and efficiently. The result is a productive developer experience that is consistent with the expectations of Kubernetes platform administrators.

By reading these early release chapters, you will:

  • Understand what microservices are and how they have evolved over the last decade as a popular enterprise software architecture. 
  • Dive into the history and overview of MicroProfile and its growth into a significant collection of microservices-related specifications and introduce Quarkus as a Java runtime that supports these technologies. 
  • Get an introduction to core Kubernetes concepts and why they make Kubernetes an ideal microservices deployment platform.
  • Learn how to unite Java, MicroProfile, Quarkus, and Kubernetes to build fast, efficient applications.
  • Get step-by-step instructions on how to make code changes in Quarkus Live Coding.
  • Learn how to develop Java microservices with Quarkus and Microprofile that target Kubernetes as a deployment environment.

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Developer Live coding 12-factor app session from the Red Hat Summit 2020 virtual event

Did you miss Emily Jiang's "Live Coding 12-factor App" session from 2020 Red Hat Summit? Here's the transcript.

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