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Learn Kubernetes using the Developer Sandbox for Red Hat OpenShift

˚Kubernetes on the Sandbox

The Developer Sandbox for Red Hat OpenShift is a great platform for learning and experimenting with OpenShift. Because OpenShift is built on Kubernetes, the sandbox is also a great platform for learning and experimenting with Kubernetes.

This activity takes you through the creation of an application using plain Kubernetes instead of OpenShift.

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How to create a natural language processing (NLP) application using Jupyter notebooks and TensorFlow

Sample app activity

In this tutorial, you are an intern for a city transportation department. You have been given the job to process potential bus repair issues that the drivers have noticed during their shifts. In order to keep the repair issues organized and visible, you will need to learn how to categorize them.

And all of this without having to install anything on your computer, thanks to Red Hat OpenShift Data Science!

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How to manage microservices using OpenShift Dev Spaces and JKube

In this exercise, we will deploy and update a distributed application on the fly using OpenShift Dev Spaces and Eclipse JKube. OpenShift Dev Spaces is a cloud development environment platform that allows developers to code, test, and deploy the applications using web-based IDE. 


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Share, secure, and publish APIs using Red Hat OpenShift API Management 

RHOAM activity

As a developer, once you have built your APIs, you may have a need to allow controlled access to these APIs to both internal and external customers. OpenShift API Management helps you to share, secure, distribute, control, and monetize APIs. In this tutorial, you will learn how to get started with the OpenShift API Management Sandbox, onboard a Quarkus, and protect it with an API security key.

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Deploying full-stack JavaScript applications to the Developer Sandbox for Red Hat OpenShift: Part 1

˚Kubernetes on the Sandbox

Red Hat OpenShift is a Kubernetes distribution that makes it easy to deploy and scale applications in the cloud. In this hands-on lab, you will learn how to deploy a full-stack JavaScript application in an OpenShift cluster.

Starting from source code, you will take an application that runs locally and deploy it in the Developer Sandbox for Red Hat OpenShift.

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Deploy a Java application on Kubernetes in minutes

Petclinic app

Move your legacy Java application into a container and deploy it to Kubernetes. The Developer Sandbox for Red Hat OpenShift is a free OpenShift cluster that gives you access to cutting-edge technologies built on Kubernetes. A quick sign-up gets you a cluster and access to a set of developer tools and services.

Try out the Source-to-Image (s2i) feature in the free Developer Sandbox for Red Hat OpenShift by following along with the Spring Petclinic application learning experience.

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Deploy a sample application

Sample app activity

While learning about state-of-the-art software development is important and great, nothing can beat hands-on experience. The challenge is that not everyone works where microservices, containers, and serverless computing technologies are being rolled out. You can now finally get that first-hand knowledge by using the Developer Sandbox for Red Hat OpenShift.

You can follow along with this exercise using any of the following programming languages: C#, Go, Java, Node.js, PHP, Python, and Ruby

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Migrate and deploy Cloud Foundry applications to Kubernetes

Migrate and deploy Cloud Foundry applications to Kubernetes

In this tutorial, you will transform a Cloud Foundry application to Kubernetes with the Move2Kube command-line tool. You’ll learn how to create deployment artifacts using Move2Kube’s three-step process: collect, plan, and transform.

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Deploy a Kubernetes rolling update

Deploy a Kubernetes rolling update

Rolling updates allow you to deploy a different version of a currently running application without downtime. Kubernetes routes traffic to the current version until the one is up and running, eliminating downtime. This activity will demonstrate how this works.

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Guarantee application availability with OpenShift readiness probes

Guarantee Application Availability

Readiness probes allow Kubernetes to inspect the health of your application pod and use it only if it's ready for traffic. This activity will enable you to reduce or eliminate downtime with the simple addition of a readiness probe.

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Perform in-place Kubernetes updates with a Blue/Green Deployment

Blue Green Sandbox Activity preview image

Because Red Hat OpenShift is built on Kubernetes, it allows you to perform in-place updates of existing running applications. This feature means you can spin up a different version of an application—newer or older—and have the traffic automatically routed to that version. 

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Run the Canary Deployment pattern on Kubernetes

Run the Canary Deployment pattern on Kubernetes

One method of software deployment allows you to gradually introduce a new version of an application. This activity demonstrates that method, called “Canary Deployment”.

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Create an OpenShift Serverless function

A Function as a Service (FaaS) object can be used to process data on an as-needed basis, with the function shutting down after a period of time if not used. Using a service in this way enables to you limit costs, since you only pay for the CPU cycles when you actually need them.

In the world of Kubernetes, Knative is the technology that is most commonly used to implement the FaaS pattern. Red Hat OpenShift implements the FaaS pattern using Knative via the Red Hat OpenShift Serverless operator.​​​​​​

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Using OpenShift Pipelines

Automated builds and deployments – known as CI/CD – of container-based applications can reduce mistakes, improve productivity, and promote more thorough testing. This sandbox activity introduces OpenShift Pipelines for automated builds and deployment. 


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More activities coming soon!