Enterprise Java

Skip the noise that can come with developing apps, and instead focus on building apps.

Calling all developers!

Using the Free #Developer#Sandbox​ for #RedHat#OpenShift​, we will demo how you can take your existing source code or create a new application, easily deploy and manage them as containers, edit the code from our integrated developer experience, and much more.

Try a Java tutorial in the sandbox

Get started with Quarkus


Getting started with Quarkus

10 minutes | Beginner
Learn Quarkus basics by standing up a straightforward application serving a hello endpoint.

Effective data with Hibernate and Panache from Quarkus

15 minutes | Beginner
Learn about Quarkus and Hibernate ORM with Panache to create supersonic, subatomic Java applications with simplified Hibernate queries.

Reactive streaming with Quarkus and Kafka

15 minutes | Beginner
Build a streaming application using MicroProfile reactive streams messaging and Apache Kafka, a distributed streaming platform.
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Summit 2022 on-demand replay

Are you still stuck in Java 6, 7, or 8? Or up-to-date with Java 17? It doesn't matter which version; you can be more productive with the shiny and new VS Code Java 1.0 Extension! Join us as we review some of the noteworthy features of the past few releases, and talk about Java 17 support, type hierarchy, source lookup improvements, and plenty of valuable tips in between!

After giving a quick introduction to Kogito, Maciej Swiderski will explain how it can be used to build cloud-ready, event-driven business applications. This will be followed with a demonstration of how Quarkus (with its hot reload capabilities) can be used to create microservices implementing the business logic of a complex domain with rules and modeling its workflows through business processes integrated with Kafka to consume and produce business events.

In this tutorial, Burr Sutter demonstrates how to optimize your enterprise Java apps, your APIs, your microservices, and your “serverless functions” for a Kubernetes/OpenShift environment—vastly smaller, vastly faster, and fundamentally more scalable.


A cloud-native, container-first stack for creating Java applications tailored for GraalVM + HotSpot, crafted from Java libraries and standards.