The sequence for deploying hello world.

The Eclipse Che 7.6.0 release provides a new stack for Apache Camel K integration development. This release is the first iteration to give a preview of what is possible. If you like what you see, shout it out, and more will surely come.

This article details how to test this release on a local instance deployed on minikube. The difference with a hosted instance is that we avoid the prerequisites involving Camel K installation in the cluster and specific rights for the user.

Set up the Che instance

A container host needs to be available. For instance, you can use minikube. Che requires a large amount of memory, so you need to increase what is allocated by default. For instance:

$ minikube start --memory=4096

This command provides output like this:

?  minikube v1.3.1 on Fedora 31
?  Creating virtualbox VM (CPUs=4, Memory=4096MB, Disk=50000MB) ...
?  Preparing Kubernetes v1.15.2 on Docker 18.09.8 ...
?  Pulling images ...
?  Launching Kubernetes ... 
⌛  Waiting for: apiserver proxy etcd scheduler controller dns
?  Done! kubectl is now configured to use "minikube"

See the official Che 7 documentation for more details. Then, download chectl from GitHub releases. You will be able to install Che on your minikube instance with the following command:

$ chectl server:start --platform minikube

This command provides output like this:

   Verify Kubernetes API...OK
   ?  Looking for an already existing Che instance
     Verify if Che is deployed into namespace "che" is not
   ✈️  Minikube preflight checklist
     Verify if kubectl is installed
     Verify if minikube is installed
     Verify if minikube is running
     Start minikube [skipped]
      → Minikube is already running.
     Verify if minikube ingress addon is enabled
     Enable minikube ingress addon [skipped]
      → Ingress addon is already enabled.
     Retrieving minikube IP and domain for ingress
   ?‍  Running Helm to install Che
     Verify if helm is installed
     Check Helm Version: Found v3.0.0+ge29ce2a
     Create Namespace (che)...done.
   ?‍  Running Helm to install Che
     Verify if helm is installed
     Check Helm Version: Found v3.0.0+ge29ce2a
     Create Namespace (che)...done.
     Check Cluster Role Binding...does not exists.
     Preparing Che Helm Chart...done.
     Updating Helm Chart dependencies...done.
     Deploying Che Helm Chart...done.
   ✅  Post installation checklist
     Devfile registry pod bootstrap
       downloading images...done.
     Plugin registry pod bootstrap
       downloading images...done.
     Che pod bootstrap
       downloading images...done.
     Retrieving Che Server URL...
     Che status check
Command server:start has completed successfully.

For more details and options, see the official Che 7 documentation.

Create and configure a Camel K-ready workspace

To create and configure your Camel K-ready workspace, you first need to create a workspace from the Camel K stack. At the end of the previous command's log, the URL to access the Che instance is provided after "Retrieving Che Server URL..."

Open this URL in a browser. Select the Apache Camel K stack and then click the Create & Open button, which opens the page shown in Figure 1:

The Eclipse Che workspace creation page.
Figure 1: Create your new Apache Camel K workspace in Eclipse Che.">

Wait for the workspace to be ready. This process can take several minutes, depending on your internet connection's speed.

Next, you need to inject the kubeconfig login context into the Che workspace. For that, you can return to your host and call:

$ chectl workspace:inject -k

Ensure that the injection for vscode-camelkXXX is a success. This command provides output like this:

   Verify if namespace che exists
   Verify if the workspaces is running
   Injecting configurations
     injecting kubeconfig into container che-machine-execcc7 [skipped]
      → the container doesn't support file injection
     injecting kubeconfig into container theia-idenue [skipped]
      → kubeconfig already exists in the target container
     injecting kubeconfig into container vscode-xmlcem...done.
     injecting kubeconfig into container vscode-apache-camelt7t [skipped]
      → kubeconfig already exists in the target container
     injecting kubeconfig into container vscode-camelkrbj...done.

Now, install Camel K. In the right column, click My Workspace to expand the panel. Then, expand the Plugins -> vscode-camelkXXX tree. Click New terminal, then type:

$ kamel install

The result is shown in Figure 2:

Eclipse Che showing your newly created terminal.
Figure 2: Create your new terminal inside your new workspace's Plugins.">

Deploy and automatically redeploy a Camel K integration

The official Camel K examples are populated by default. You can open, for instance, hello.xml. Notice that the integration simply logs "Hello World!!!" every three seconds.

Right-click on this example in the Projects panel. Select Start Apache Camel K integration and then Dev mode - Apache Camel integration in Dev mode, as shown in Figure 3:

The sequence for deploying hello world.
Figure 3: Deploy the Hello World example.">

Wait several seconds (or minutes) for the first deployment. Again, how long this takes depends on your internet connection's speed.

When ready, go to the Output panel. Select Apache Camel K output, which should display "Hello World!!!" logged every three seconds, as shown in Figure 4:

Eclipse Che showing the Apache Camel K output log.
Figure 4: View the output log.">

Modify the hello.xml file's content. For instance, you might change the constant to "Hello World from Che!!!" The integration is automatically redeployed in a few milliseconds, as you can see in Figure 5:

Figure 5: The output log now shows the updated results from the automatic redeployment.">

Because the Che workspace reuses the VS Code extension, you can use all of the Tooling for Apache Camel K VS Code extension's features. See our previous article on how to create an integration sending a Telegram to take this example further.

Known limitations

There are two major known limitations. The login for the Camel K instance needs to be redone on each workspace startup, and on a remote cluster, special rights need to be given so you can install and access the Camel K instance.

Last updated: June 29, 2020
