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Migration Toolkit for Applications

Simplify the modernization of your legacy applications and reduce risks with the migration toolkit for applications–included with a Red Hat OpenShift subscription.

This tool gives project leads and migration teams insight and alignment as they move to Red Hat OpenShift—whether at the portfolio or application level. It provides a simpler, faster way to modernize your applications for the cloud.

Assess, prioritize, and modernize your applications at scale to use Red Hat OpenShift


Security and compliance

Get guidance throughout the modernization process

From exploring modernization strategies to enabling migration teams to execute and help reshape the initial plan, adoption leads and developers get assistance throughout each project phase to find the best and most secure path forward.


Benefit from faster, safer modernization

Identify and remove risks while automating and streamlining tasks–all to speed up your timeline and cut back on unnecessary costs.


Avoid a locked-in mindset

Embrace open source technology to access the latest innovations from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) project Konveyor–the upstream project for Red Hat’s migration toolkit for applications.

Make modernization decisions with speed and confidence

Fully understand your application landscape

A central management interface gives you a comprehensive view of your application portfolio, enabling you to evaluate its current state by grouping applications in multiple dimensions with an extensible tagging model. You can also perform an assessment and bulk automated analysis for deeper insights to inform your modernization strategy.

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Prioritize what to modernize based on insights and risks

Evaluate containerization suitability, potential issues, and dependencies across your applications via different assessment capabilities to help you decide where to focus modernization efforts. Make the results more actionable for your team by using them to assign priority, display estimated migration effort, and define the most suitable migration strategy for individual or groups of applications.

Help migration teams scale modernization securely

Equip migration teams with insights, instructions, and tools so they know what and how to modernize their applications. You can even build custom transformation paths according to your company’s unique needs and project timelines to help others in your organization overcome similar obstacles. Enforce security by controlling access, permissions, and tool-wide configuration with credentials management and an administrative perspective.

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Watch a demo of the migration toolkit for applications

In this demo, migration experts show you how to reduce complexity and risks to accelerate the modernization of your non-cloud-enabled applications with the migration toolkit for applications–included with a Red Hat OpenShift subscription.

With this tool, project leads and migration teams get insight and alignment as they move to Red Hat OpenShift—whether it is at the portfolio or application level–to more quickly yet carefully boost software delivery performance of legacy applications.



Plan your modernization journey

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State of application modernization

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Why application modernization projects fail

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Application modernization assessment

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Migrating 3,000 applications from another cloud platform to Kubernetes: Keys to success

Learn more   

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Join the open source community for application modernization

A Cloud Native Computing Foundation project, Konveyor helps modernize applications by providing open source tools to replatform and refactor applications to Kubernetes and cloud-native technologies.

Migration toolkit for runtimes

If you don't have a Red Hat OpenShift cluster but are modernizing applications to run in the cloud and containers, we recommend using the migration toolkit for runtimes. While it doesn't include capabilities that focus on application portfolio management and cross-team collaboration, it’s a powerful tool for analyzing application code, estimating effort, and accelerating code migration.

Learn more