
No matter where you are in your software development career, from just starting, to re-training, to expert-level but needing a brush-up, the Red Hat Developer program can help with tutorials and learning.

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OpenShift and Kubernetes learning

Follow along our curated learning paths in cutting-edge skills and workloads involving OpenShift and Kubernetes.

Want to freely explore the OpenShift Developer Console? Try OpenShift in our Developer Sandbox.

OpenShift Data Science learning

Get started with these step-by-step learning paths. They show you how to create a powerful AI/ML platform for building intelligent applications.

Want to freely explore OpenShift Data Science in the sandbox? Start this exercise.

OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka learning

Get up to speed on how to make the most out of this managed cloud service for data stream. Reduce operational costs and complexity with OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka

Want to create a Kafka instance? Try our no-cost Kafka service.

OpenShift API Management learning

This learning path will guide you through the basic concepts of OpenShift API Management and the steps to get access to the service. The learning path offers a hands-on opportunity to implement API management, including securing and managing APIs.

Learning changes

We have started using a new learning platform called Instruqt. Some Katacoda lessons and courses have been unpublished as a result of this update; others have migrated to Instruqt. Please note that this is still a work in progress. We appreciate your patience.

All interactive lessons

Below you will find our full library of individual interactive ‘lessons’. We also have several interactive ‘courses’, which are comprised of multiple related lessons. Browse all tutorial courses.


Operator SDK with Helm

30 minutes | Beginner
Create a CockroachDB Operator from an existing CockroachDB Helm chart, running securely without Tiller or manual invocation.

Install the Operator Lifecycle Manager

30 minutes | Beginner
Install the Operator Lifecycle Manager in an OpenShift environment, access the UI, create a subscription manifest, and approve an InstallPlan.

Reactive streaming with Quarkus and Kafka

15 minutes | Beginner
Build a streaming application using MicroProfile reactive streams messaging and Apache Kafka, a distributed streaming platform.

Spring Boot RESTful APIs

15 minutes | Beginner
Build a RESTful application using Spring Rest.

Getting Started with Spring

15 minutes | Beginner
Learn how to build a CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) web application using Spring.

Deploying applications from source code

20 minutes | Beginner
The goal of this track is to learn how to deploy an application from its source code using either the OpenShift Web Console or by using OpenShift from a command line in a terminal window.

Effective data with Hibernate and Panache from Quarkus

15 minutes | Beginner
Learn about Quarkus and Hibernate ORM with Panache to create supersonic, subatomic Java applications with simplified Hibernate queries.

Getting started with OpenShift for Developers

10 minutes | Beginner
Use the OpenShift Container Platform to build and deploy applications using both containers and orchestration.

Developing with odo

10 minutes | Beginner
Use OpenShift Do (odo), a CLI tool for developers, to manage application components on the OpenShift Container Platform.

Red Hat training catalog

Some of our favorite courses just for you from the Red Hat Training catalog.

cloud native app

Developing Cloud-Native Applications with Microservices Architecture

Cloud computing

This free course will teach you how to combine different frameworks and tools into a microservices architecture that fits your organizational needs.

containerized app

Red Hat OpenShift Development II: Containerizing Applications

Cloud computing

In this course, you will learn how to design, build, and deploy containerized software applications on an OpenShift cluster.


Red Hat Application Development I: Programming in Java EE

App services
App development

This course exposes experienced Java Standard Edition (Java SE) developers to the world of Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE).

microservices architecture

Red Hat Cloud-native Microservices Development with Quarkus

App services
Microservices development

You will build on application development fundamentals and focus on how to develop, monitor, test, and deploy modern microservices applications.

openshift admin

Red Hat OpenShift I: Containers & Kubernetes

OpenShift admin

This course introduces building and managing Docker containers for deployment on a Kubernetes cluster. This course helps students build core knowledge and skills in managing containers through hands-on experience with Docker, Kubernetes, and Red Hat® OpenShift Container Platform.


Camel Integration and Development with Red Hat Fuse on OpenShift

App services
Camel development

This is a hands-on, lab-based course that gives Java™ developers and architects an understanding of Apache Camel and the enhancements and tools Red Hat offers in support of Camel development.

Learning Subscription for Developers

This one-year subscription provides access to all Red Hat developer-related online training and video classroom courses, as well as 10 eBook downloads, 100 hours of hands-on labs, and three exam attempts for developer certifications. Find out how an individual subscription can expand container-based and other developer knowledge for you and your team. 

With the Learning Subscription, you'll learn about application development techniques with Red Hat OpenShift, Red Hat Middleware, Red Hat Fuse, Containers, Kubernetes, Microservices, Linux, Java EE, Apache Camel, and more.