OpenShift and Kubernetes learning

Kubernetes is a system for managing container-based applications that also empowers developers to utilize new architectures like microservices and serverless. Learn how OpenShift builds on top of Kubernetes to create a powerful workflow that helps you focus on building great software.

All OpenShift learning paths

Foundations of OpenShift

4 Hours | 8 learning resources

Start with the foundations to get hands-on experience creating and deploying application in OpenShift in Red Hat's interactive learning environments.

Developing OpenShift Applications with Java and Quarkus

2 Hours | 9 learning resources

Create, test and deploy Java code to OpenShift in a seamless development workflow as well as learn to use Quarkus to write data driven applications using a variety of data sources with just a few lines of code.

Looking for more OpenShift?

Want to freely explore the OpenShift Developer Console or try deploying an existing application in a real cluster? Try the Developer Sandbox for Red Hat OpenShift.

All OpenShift interactive lessons


Manage the etcd Operator

30 minutes | Beginner
Manage etcd clusters on Kubernetes and automate resize, failover, and upgrade tasks, including backup and restore actions.

Operator SDK with Helm

30 minutes | Beginner
Create a CockroachDB Operator from an existing CockroachDB Helm chart, running securely without Tiller or manual invocation.

Install the Operator Lifecycle Manager

30 minutes | Beginner
Install the Operator Lifecycle Manager in an OpenShift environment, access the UI, create a subscription manifest, and approve an InstallPlan.

Deploying applications from source code

20 minutes | Beginner
The goal of this track is to learn how to deploy an application from its source code using either the OpenShift Web Console or by using OpenShift from a command line in a terminal window.

Getting started with OpenShift for Developers

10 minutes | Beginner
Use the OpenShift Container Platform to build and deploy applications using both containers and orchestration.

Developing with odo

10 minutes | Beginner
Use OpenShift Do (odo), a CLI tool for developers, to manage application components on the OpenShift Container Platform.

DevNation Deep Dives: Kubernetes Beginner 1 & 2

Learn about the fundamentals of Istio Service Mesh in these new online deep dives.

Kubernetes Deep DivesCheck out all DevNation Deep Dives