Developing with JavaScript

JavaScript is a ubiquitous full stack language — use it for enterprise web applications and see how it works hand in hand with Kubernetes.

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Building applications with PatternFly

PatternFly is Red Hat’s open source design system built to drive consistency and unify teams. With its React libraries' opinionated interactions and accessible solutions, JavaScript developers have the resources they need to build scalable applications and interfaces.

Why JavaScript?

JavaScript is best known as one of the  core technologies of web applications alongside HTML and CSS.  JavaScript frameworks such as React, Angular, and Vue have helped back the creation of opinionated enterprise architecture for building robust front-end applications.  

In 2009, Node.js was introduced as an open source runtime system, which expanded the use of JavaScript to the server side.  Containerized Node.js applications have a natural fit in Kubernetes for both server-side and front-end applications.

As the native web browser programming language, JavaScript is very popular, and it’s quite versatile. When you start off with JavaScript in the front end, you can transfer to using it in a full stack application. There's also a low threshold to get started — all you need is your favorite development environment, Node.js, and a web browser.

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Node.js projects from Red Hat Middleware

Interactive tutorials


Getting started with PatternFly React basics

10 minutes | Beginner
Get comfortable with PatternFly, and develop your first PatternFly React component.

Start customizing PatternFly React

5 minutes | Beginner
Learn how to customize React components in PatternFly.

Develop a toolbar with PatternFly React

30 minutes | Intermediate
Build a React toolbar that is filterable.