
Lesson Thumbnail

Developing with Node.js

This track provides an introduction to cloud-native development with Node.js by walking you through how to extend an Express.js-based application to leverage cloud capabilities.

15 minutes | Beginner
Featured image for Cryostat (was ContainerJFR) topics.

What's new in Red Hat build of Cryostat 2.3

yashwanth-maheshwaram Yashwanth Maheshwaram

Red Hat build of Cryostat 2.3 comes with Cryostat agent, cross-namespace target discovery, and UI enhancements to simplify onboarding.

OpenShift Serverless Functions 2

OpenShift 4.13: Create serverless functions and more

Serena Serena Chechile Nichols

Explore new features and web console enhancements in Red Hat OpenShift 4.13. Create serverless functions, easily view which pods are receiving traffic, and more.

Java + Quarkus 2

Automate your Quarkus deployment using Ansible

Romain Pelisse Romain Pelisse

Discover how to automate your Quarkus application deployment using the Ansible collection for Quarkus, which takes care of the heavy lifting for developers.

back stage

Red Hat Plug-ins for Backstage

Red Hat Plug-ins for Backstage work in tandem with Red Hat Developer Hub and pre-existing customer installations of Backstage, improving the overall experience and extending its functionality.